Consumer Finance is comprehensive finance app to analyze auto, college and home finance.
Amortization input data is saved and retrieved when application is restarted.
Easy to understand Pie, Area and Bar Charts are added to Amortization and Comparison.
E-mail amortization summary and schedule as pdf attachment as well as print them as table with header, footer, page number.
1. Auto Finance
b. Comparison
c. Lease
d. Lease vs. buy
e. Hybrid break even point analysis
f. What-if analysis
2.Home Finance
a. Affordability
b. APR
c. Amortization
d. Comparison
e. Cost
f. Duration
g. Qualification
h. What-if
3. College Finance
a. Federal Student loan consolidation
b. Amortization
c. Comparison
d. What-if Analysis